Saturday, August 21, 2010

What would be a good title for a declaration of independence against you parents?

I got a homework assignment for history to write a declaration of independence against my parents. I need a good title. Can anyone help me please?What would be a good title for a declaration of independence against you parents?
Emancipation Proclamation?

Sounds like a crude assignment, assuming that all 18 yr olds want to be free of their parents.

The proclamation should include stuff like:

Since I am now 18 yrs of age I will no longer take orders from you.

I no longer need your advice.

I no longer need your financial assistance.

I will pay for my own car and car insurance.

I will also pay for my own college.

Sorry, but the teacher who assigned this needs a big kick in the seat of his pants.

Edit: LOL Jimmbbo -- we had the same idea, but you typed faster (and your's are better too)What would be a good title for a declaration of independence against you parents?
A good title - ';I am Ungrateful for All My Parents Have Done for Me';

I agree with everyone else. This teacher obviously has some obscene agenda assigning something like this.

I would turn the assignment around on him and declare a Declaration of Independence against your teachers. The teachers today are out of control pushing their politics and liberal bull**** on kids.

Good luck with your assignment! I hope it honors your parents.
Here's some help... YOU'RE BEING BRAINWASHED.

How about this:

I hereby declare my independence:

I will pay rent for my room

I will pay for my own food

I will pay for my own entertainment

I will not get an allowance

I will return all my stuff to you (computer, IPODs, xBox, clothes, Nikes)

I will provide my own transportation everywhere, or pay you for a ride

I will make my own meals

I will buy and keep my own clothes clean

Better yet - tell the teacher to shove his idea into the orifice of his choice...

Do your parents know about this?!
I would sling the paper back and tell the teacher what they're trying to teach is not very family orientated and ask what their motive behind the task is.

I second Jimmbo as it is a form of brainwashing.
How about - ';I thought the infrastructure you provide - came from heaven';.
im finally 18
I wish teenagers were not allowed at this site, it would be a much nicer place. Have a great evening!
I am with Jimbo!!! you said it well my friend!!!
';I want to be young, stupid, and live on the street';

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