Okay so these are not American sites which may be a clue as to why American youth are more likely to end up in the prison system or on drugs. I think that most people are not able to control themselves in general. The line between a little spank and worse is too fine a line for me to risk. In another question you asked why people think of their kids as possessions? I don't. I think of my daughter as this awesome little individual. I just don't hit people (anymore LOL).
Did Introspector just call me a spaz? Mom---is that you?
Introspector-- Learn to take a freaking joke, you narrow minded hole? Sorry to our lovely asker for getting into it with another answerer but pulease! There is more than one way to parent and if I choose NOT to hit my kids on a regular basis, it does not mean there will be no boundaries. The question is directed at people who do NOT hit their kids which clearly is not you. So, keep your forked tongue behind your teeth. Most people do hit their kids, so if you are wondering why the country is churning out ';the pathetic excuses of youth';, look at yourself. Hey I'm no bleeding heart. Ask our fair question asker. If I wasn't someone's mother, I'd put sugar in your gastank. Twit. The fact is my mother hit us and in turn we, six kids, learned to hit each other and that's a lot of freaking hitting. I'm just not passing that skill on.
Does personal experience count as a credible study? My mom used to hit us pretty hard with a brush. Evil. Mommy Dearest style. I still remember and it never corrected my behavoir. It made me want to break things and light fires. Seriously. I think that there are varying degrees of spanking. I am not completely against spanking if the child has done something rash and extremely dangerous, like darted into traffic, but since I have horror stories of being hit and it seemed that my mom had a hard time controlling herself, I'll stay clear of it completely.
Oh I don't drive a VW minibus, cannot stand hippies, however, I have a soft spot in my heart for John Denver as I am white and was a kid in the 70's. Dude, he was on the Muppet Show.Can any of you Attachment Parenting types provide links that PROVE spanking is harmful? Credible studies only.
Thanks. There were links within those links too. I had an even harder time finding studies that spanking didn't harm kids. So, with my background and the limited info, I'd rather be on the safe ie not hitting side of that fence! Oh, and you know you can't stop singing Rocky Mountain
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Can any of you Attachment Parenting types provide links that PROVE spanking is harmful? Credible studies only.
exactly! spanking has been a form of disipline for centuries, why all of the sudden do some parents assume its abuse.
Your question doesn't deserve the least bit of consideration. You must have been beatn by abusive parents and are preparing to be one too. You should be reported to the police. You're a bully inside and should be treated like one. Grow up! Until then, crawl back under your stone before I smash you with the tip of my boot!
Do you just get on Yahoo answers to vent anger and make yourself feel good about you?
You are my hero!!!! Woooooo Hoooooo! I believe in spanking and EVERYTHING you said in your question and added comments! I feel like I am always defending my self to those Nazi types that don't believe in it as an effective punishment tool. If you don't want to spank your children, by all means don't, but don't you dare tell me how to raise MY children or tell me what YOU think is best for MY family. And isn't it usually true that the kids of non spanking parents always seem to be the ones who need it the most!?!?!?!!!! Thank you so much for the point you are making!
Spanking is not harmful, you are unable to reason with children and infants. Negative reinforcement is the only way to deter certain behavior in animals, we are animals. Me and the majority of my friends were spanked as children, we all turned out to be successful contributing law abiding members of society. A lot more than I can say for the pathetic excuses of youth we are churning out today, look at the statistics, these kids are getting dumber and more unruly, something needs to be done to teach and instill some respect in our children, spanking will help achieve this at an early age. It's the bleeding fricking hearts that are destroying things with their mamsy pamsy approach to parenting. Children need boundaries and consequences to develop there own moral boundaries on what is right and wrong. Studies prove that behavior patterns are developed at very early ages, early enough that you cannot sit your baby down and discuss things. Beating is far different from spanking.
Atomin: your an idiot, and the juxtaposition of your answer points to the fact that you are a very unstable individual.
Spat: ';break things and light fires';???? beating your child with a brush and spanking are two completely different things. I mean Spat, you need to chill, check your prescription I think you need a refill.
if you think spanking is so bad then why are you asking our opinion about it,you've obvious have yours.i got my a#$ busted when i was a kid and i know most of the time i deserved it ,and my children get it too ,when they need it ,i think that's whats wrong with the kids today ,they never got their a@# busted ,and now they're in jail or on drugs so go figure.
I'm just agreeing with you! I was spanked and if my kids deserve they will get spanked too! I would use other forms of discipline more often, but if they really deserve, they will get it!
I think i would avoid doing it in public tho! All those crazy people out there who think its abuse while their kids are running around town doing what they like because they never had any discipline! Because they think its so mean to hit their children, even when most of the time they deserve a beating instead of just a spanking!
depends wat you mean by spanking. you are probably only doing research on people who have spanked their children in a way that would be called abuse. there are different types of spanking to discipline the child. there isn't just ONE way. you can't just be close minded about just any subject. there are decent people out there that use spanking as a method of disciplinary action but it's not necessarily abuse.
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