Saturday, August 21, 2010

Is FOSTER PARENTING more trouble than it's worth?

Do you get to pick the age of the child/ren you want? Are they all 'problem' children? How long do they stay with you- I know I would get attached and feel bad when they left.Is FOSTER PARENTING more trouble than it's worth?
As a former foster child, I would have to say that no, I don't think that it is more trouble than it is worth. The children that have to be in foster care are there for many different reasons. I happened to be there because of neglect from my birth mother, and the fact that I ran away constantly. The last foster home I was in I stayed in for 4 years, and I can honestly say that they were the best years of my life. I had brothers and a sister that were from the same basic background as I was. Sure there are a lot of kids out there that are ';problem children';, but those are the ones that need the most guidance and love. I still keep in contact with my foster family even though I was booted out of the system when I turned 18, and I love them all dearly. If the reasons that you want to become a foster parent are selfish, I wouldn't bother doing it. Many of the children placed in foster care need unconditional love more than anything else. By the way, I think that you can screen children to see which ones would fit into your home, lifestyle, community, etc., and how long they stay with you just depends on their situation. Most states are usually interested in re-uniting the children with their natural families. If you do get attached, some families will actually let you keep in contact with the children. If they don't you should just be happy that that you made a big difference in their life no matter how short their stay with you was.Is FOSTER PARENTING more trouble than it's worth?
I have had two friends that were foster parents. . .one had a great experience and adopted the boy and the other had 2 teenagers, one good and the other had to be removed due to stealing and becoming violent. I think that it takes a certain kind of person to be able to give the love and attention to children that #1, are not yours and #2, may ar may not be staying with you. If you can be a good role model for a child then that's very admirable.
We have fostered for 8 years. We even had thought of running a group home once. I suggest you contact CPS and take a foster parenting course. Yes you do have a say in the age group you wish to foster. The older they are the more money is paid. You should NEVER NEVER do it for the money. You do get attached and have to be prepared to loose the child at any time. I have one boy who has been here since he was 3. He is now 10 and we just adopted him a month ago. He is every bit apart of our family as our own biological children. When we adopted him, we told him he was very special because he was not born to us as a baby, but we had the choice or choosing him. So to answer your question, yes it can be rewarding, but it can also have it ups and downs. Each and every child is in care and away from their parents for a reason. This can be hard on the child.
You should call your local CPS and they can put you in classes that will tell you all about the available needy children in your area. Unfortunately, if these kids were all healthy white newborns from loving situations- they would not be here- they would be getting adopted. That is not my opinion, that is just the facts. You have to have a heart and understand that they are all God's children, they are often mixed nationalities, have siblings and have had experiences no adult should ever face, let alone a child. It is not right for everyone, but if you feel like you have the strength and love to give, get involved. Doing the right thing is often ';more trouble than it is worth';. Doing the right thing is the harder thing to do. That is usually how you know it is the right thing...Good luck.
The questions you have asked are good ones and personally I think the answer is yes, at least to the first one, it is more trouble than it is worth. Most of the children have been yanked from their parents, yes sometimes for abuse, but sometimes for little of nothing. Sometimes they have been sexually or physically abused, most are emotionally damaged, you run into all kinds of problems in todays world.

But they are still children who desperately need someone to love them.

Not to say that it isn't a worthwhile cause, children are always worth any trouble.

It is the foster care system in general that makes it impossible to serve in todays age as a foster parent.

The term Child Abuse has been expanded to have a whole different set of meanings thatn it did a few years ago. Since CPS was created through the Mondell act back in 1974 things have just gone from bad to worse. Instead of doing what they were created to do and what their name indicates, ';Child Protective Services'; they are now in the business of selling their latest money making commodity. America's children are the commodity I am speaking of.

CPS rakes in BILLIONS of dollars every year off the backs and destroyed lives of America's children.

The term Child abuse is so, as Gregory Hession out of Mass. said ';a very elastic term'; and can be stretched to cover a gauntlet of crimes against children with a very vivid immagination.

I have seen paperwork on a foster mother charged with neglect because she fed her foster children McDonalds three times in one week. It doesn't matter that she had five children all with baseball practice, etc. etc. and doctors appointments that week, this is abuse now.

I have seen a foster mother charged with neglect and failure to protect because her baby fell asleep in his high chair. Showed a kodac moment picture of it to her social worker and bingo s/w went back to the office and filed charges against her.

These are real cases of child abuse filed by social workers. So no it is no longer worth the risk of your finanacial future, your integrity, your reputation and in fact if you are a nurse, fireman, school bus driver, teacher or janitor and work with children and as a result of an allegation, without trial, or conviction of any kind they place your name on the Central or Nat'l child abuse registry you will never work anywhere near children again, EVER. No it is not worth the risk anymore. Need more information write to me privately at
I want the same info
I have known several foster parents. All have had wonderful experiences. Some have even adopted their foster kids. Some are troubled kids, yes, but don't give up on them. Many do have a big turnaround when someone invests time and effort into them.

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