Friday, November 25, 2011

How do I get my parents to pay less attention to me, they are very clingy and overprotective?

I hate saying mean things about my parents but I need space and to do my own thing. It's hard for us to communicate because we don't really speak each other's native language very well. I also don't think it's fair for them to completely leave their parents in another country and then to expect me to see them every week. I live on my own for a reason.How do I get my parents to pay less attention to me, they are very clingy and overprotective?
Wow ,I just dont know really what to say .I am also a parent and I tend to be clingy and overprotective . Somethings you have to over look but then somethings they have to over look as well . Your going to have to sit them down and just explain to them that you are being smothered . It may help may not .IT took me alot to not smother my children .Children cannot be replaced .But at least they care enough about you to be up your *** though . Sorry that your going through this .How do I get my parents to pay less attention to me, they are very clingy and overprotective?
Your gonna have to be firm. Your gonna have to be ready to accept your parents being upset with you. Or live like this for the rest of your life. Put down your foot and dont let them in on every detail of your life. If you say your too busy to do soemthing then they should nt be able to go down the line of your schedule and say ';no...your free, you have time';. Get strong, stay strong. This wont go away till you make them learn...
you are selfish, thank your lucky stars that you have parents and that they care about you, you can't take a week-end each week to see them, something is wrong with you.

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