Friday, November 25, 2011

How do I get my parents to get me a cell phone?

My family has a family plan for Verizon. I've and my dad hundreds of times and promised him that I will pay the bill each month but he still won't budge. Any advice?How do I get my parents to get me a cell phone?
First off, how old are you? Unless you're 16 and driving a car, you don't need a cell phone. He may be thinking the same thing. Also, you probably need to prove that you are responsible enough for a cell phone. Something else you may need to prove. Put some thought into those things and see where you're at.How do I get my parents to get me a cell phone?
Prove that you need one. Go somewhere, stay late, and when you come back and they're furious say, ';Well it wouldn't have happened if I had a cell!'; Worked perfectly for me, good luck :-)
if you get good grades being responsible and if you trust them email me back at
first of all

how old are you

thats probably why they wont put you on they plan . . .

how you gonna pay your share every month
Stop begging to your parents. Parents hate that... Then, try to be good all the time, try to get good grades, and if they ask you, ';You got good grades, what do you want?'; You just have to say ';Mobile';... Ask your mum, mums are always better to negotiate than dads... Trust me... Good luck!
Mom's and Dad's don't always approve on cellphones so you might need to be 16 or 17 to get one. Sometimes they just don't want you to have one because you might lose it, or they think your going to be silly with it and do a bunch of stupid stuff on it. My answer is: Just wait until they're comfortable with you having a cell phone. You probably hate waiting like I do, but your parents probably have a good idea why you should or shouldn't have a cell. PLUS, there will be tons of better cell phones in the next generations.
I remember doing the same thing. You should re-present your reasons for wanting a phone... will give your dad peace of mind, you will be able to reach home, etc. etc. the list goes on. Maybe he thinks you are irresponsible. Try showing him that you can be responsible enough to not lose it (like i did) Good luck!!!!
stay out late and don't call them.
Be late alot and the say well if i had a cell phone i could call you and tell you what is happening and why i will be late. Thats what i did about 5 years ago.
Perhaps instead of getting on your family's plan you could get one where you pay as you go. I got my son a really nice high quality camera phone for about $80 at Target. You buy the minutes from the store or online and you never have to worry about overage charges that way. It's pretty since there isn't a contract you don't have to have your parents' permission to get one.
tell your dad that you cud use it for emergencies. such as... maybe wen u get seperated from your family in a public place, and things like that... find out why he wont let you have a fone. if he says your not responsible you may have to prove to him that you are. if he says you wud use up ur minutes and wudnt be able to pay him ask for a pay as u go phone so that way u no how many minutes to talk. or maybe he's waiting for your birthday?
Do you work? If not and you are old enough, get a job, then when you get enough money buy your phone. Phone bills aren't cheap. And you have to be responsible. Maybe, he's trying to get you to understand that. Just try that out and see what happens.

Krazy Libra

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