What are peoples views on teenage parenting?me and my boyfriend are very much in love we both want a baby together, do you think we could cope now, or do you think we are to young?Views on teenage parenting? Good options only please?
get an education first and qualifications in your field of interest - and then some full time work experience - then you will be in a much better position to support a child. Also, make sure the relationship will hold together in the long run - which you don't know yet, no matter how you feel now.
Have the baby after you have a few good fun years together. In you qualify and you are interested, go to college together. After that, have some adventures - maybe live and work another country for a while. You might also consider putting some money aside for a house etc - all of which is difficult enough with entry level jobs, without the added expense of a child.
Babies take a lot of responsibility - feeding, diapers, crying all night, After that, you will have a fuss-pot little toddler who needs constant supervision - and all that is before he/she starts school. Children are also rewarding - but they have to be raised well.
It sounds like you are sexually active - I don't judge that - I like a good one myself. But take precautions, for now and a few years yet,Views on teenage parenting? Good options only please?
Okay lets look at this:
1st. Only asking for good opinions doesn't get you all sides of an issue.
2nd: How are You going to support this baby. Not your parents not your boyfriend You.
3rd: Why cant you just love your boyfriend without having a child. Get a puppy if you want something to take care of.
4th: I highly recommend college or trade school it is expensive to raise a child and hospital bills are forever rising it is important to have a good foundation.
5th: So what if you and your boyfriend split you will be on your own and could you emotionally and finical support a child to adulthood.
I am not against teen parents accidents happen. I don't feel it is right that teens are ';planning'; pregnancy without really planning. It is not just about the changes in your life it is about raising a human who needs to become a functional member of Society.
I wouldn't do it. Sure, you are ready for it now, but once you get into college or go to work you will want time for yourself and time to relax, but of which a child won't give you. Also, as a teenager you most likely don't have the money to raise a child on your own.
In my opinion, you and your boyfriend should at least get married before having a baby as well, for many reasons including most of societies view on it. Maybe it won't effect you now, but it could bother your child later.
I was 22 when I had my son %26amp; my husband %26amp; I weren't ready. I don't think 2 teenagers would cope very well. I mean you're both young %26amp; aren't used to dealing with the demands of parenting. Right now I'm sure you don't have to call people to babysit when you want to go out to dinner, have them cancel, you can't go. Getting a baby ready for an outing takes at least a good 1/2 hour until you get in a routine. Then there's the doctors visits, dentist visits, the bills, the diapers, the clothes, the shoes, and all other kinds of expenses. If you don't have insurance that's a whole other thing to have to figure out.
Then you have the situation I'm in. I am in college full-time, have 2 children ages 3 %26amp; 2 years, I come home after being in class all day, my husband has to go to sleep b/c he works nights, I don't see him, he works all the time, he doesn't see me I'm in school all the time. I get home at 6 p.m. if I'm lucky, start supper, feed the kids, give the baths, read them a story, put them to bed, which I'm done about 9 p.m. Then I have home-work to do before I start my day at 6 a.m. the next morning. I have to drive 70 miles one way to get to college, by the time all of my day is complete I am lucky to get to bed by midnight.
I am in no way trying to preach to you, but please go to college first %26amp; have a career so you can take care of this baby you want. Trust me you will feel guilty if you don't. I am just trying to save you some heart-ache in the future.
Like almost everyone in the world, I think that if you each love each other, you would wait until about 22 and then have a child. Your social life will never be the same with a child, and also, most people break up with the other because of all the stress, so if you have a child now, you will probably be a single mother at a dead end job living with a relative.
Just put into consideration of the baby and the happiness of he/she when it is born.
I'm sure you will hear this time and time again -- it might be a better idea to plan for a future and having a family together, instead of just jumping into it before you might be prepared.
My best advice is to weigh the odds.
Babies are a lot of responsibility -- sometimes they keep us up all night, night after night... they are new, little people, and it takes them time to adjust to the world. So, it's a lot of work and takes 24 hour a day, seven day a week dedication. There are doctor's appointments for immunizations and well baby check ups... there is spit up and diarrhea sometimes... sometimes babies don't feel well, and they tend to be fussy. You might want to ask yourself if you are prepared for this sort of lifestyle.
Parenting involves a lot less time socializing with friends, and going out doing whatever you want to do, as well. So, if you like to go to concerts, and do things other kids your age do, without restrictions, then take this into consideration.
Plus, being a couple and parents at the same time, is a big job in itself. You will deal with every day life problems as a couple and as parents. You and your guy won't always agree with things, so you will need to learn to accept each other's flaws and personal ideas. You will need to learn to compromise. It sounds easier than it is!
You might also consider the financial aspects of raising a child. It's always nice to have a good, steady, reliable income, and to save some money before starting a family. You will need to make sure your baby has a nice bed, sheets, clothing, diapers, blankets, and all of the necessary supplies a child needs when he comes into the world. This does take money, and planning.
I realize some people don't have money and don't plan, but i think that, those of us who have the option to plan for a child, are doing the right thing for the child's sake! ... and it doesn't hurt our own peace of mind, either.
So, decide if you want to be tied down to a child for the next 18 years, or if you want to be free to explore the world a little first. It's your choice.
all the best!
Oh dear - in another question you're claiming you're already pregnant at 15 and you're worried that your mum's smoking will harm the baby. In yet another question, you want to know if you can get a council house at 15, if you have a baby. If I were you, I'd concentrate on your school work !
My advice would be.. If you both in love to each other then why not wait for the right time to make baby? For good Parenting Advice and other Relationship go here.
give it some time.
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